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Which Enneagram Style are you?

Style summaries

When coupled with the power of the Gospel, the Enneagram is a helpful tool to help people grow in self-awareness and turn away from sinful motivations to a deeper relationship with Christ. The Enneagram is based on nine archetypal styles, the Enneagram helps reveal a person’s core motivations and beliefs. Here is a summary of these styles:

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Style 1: The Reformer

As Reformers, Ones work constantly to improve themselves and the world around them. They do this by following the rules, taking responsibility, and doing everything with excellence. Ones live by high standards, desiring accuracy and order.

While all spiritual doctrine is essential for Ones, many find comfort in meditating upon the doctrine of “Imputation.” This doctrine is based on the fact that God is good. Because of Christ’s work on the cross, believers are credited, or imputed, with this goodness. Instead of being judged guilty (as we deserve), we are given the incredible gift of being declared morally righteous by God.

Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: Romans 4:11 and 2 Corinthians 5:2.


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Style 2: The Helper

As Helpers, Twos seek to bring unconditional love to the world around them with their gifts of sacrificial love and generosity. Twos are openhearted, nurturing and supportive.

While all spiritual doctrine is essential for Twos, many find comfort in meditating upon the doctrine of “Adoption.” This doctrine is based on the fact that God is love. Because of Christ’s work on the cross, believers are adopted into the family of God. Instead of being judged guilty (as we deserve), we are given the incredible gift of being accepted as one of his children.


Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: Romans 8:14-16, Galatians 4:4-7 and Ephesians 1:4-5.

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Style 3: The Achiever

As Achievers, Threes set ambitious goals, accomplish tasks and charismatically win others over to their plan. Threes live by hard work, efficiency, and competence.

While all spiritual doctrine is essential for Threes, many find comfort in spending time daily meditating upon the central Christian doctrine called, “justification by faith.” This doctrine states that God declares believers justified because of Christ’s righteousness alone. Because of this, we know that God fully accepts us, regardless of our level of accomplishment.


Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: Romans 3:23-25, 5:1 and 8:1.

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Style 4: The Individualist

As Individualists, Fours desire to live a richly creative life. They see themselves as unique. They are talented at discerning what is truly authentic and they appreciate beauty in the world around them. They long to use their intuition and imagination to inspire others.

While all spiritual doctrine is essential for Fours, many find comfort in meditating upon the Christian doctrine called “expiation.” This doctrine is based on the fact that Christ’s work completely removes and puts away the sins of believers. Because of this, we are forgiven of our sin, cleansed of our shame and restored to our authentic self.


Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: Psalms 103:12, Micah 7:19 and Hebrews 9:14.

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Style 5: The Investigator

As Investigators, Fives seek wisdom and knowledge to better understand why and how the world works.  They want to understand how everything fits together. Through their observations, they are able to find ways to simplify life. They prefer to find the truth for themselves rather than taking someone else’s word for it.

While all doctrine is essential for Fives, many find comfort in spending time daily meditating upon the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. This doctrine is built upon the fact that at conversion, believers are sealed and indwelt with God’s Spirit. Because we have God’s presence within us, we have access to His truth (to counsel us), His guidance and His power (so that we may obey Him and advance Christ’s mission).


Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: John 14:25-26; 1 Cor. 3:16; Eph. 1:13-14.

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Style 6: The Loyalist

As Loyalists, Sixes are faithful, responsible, trustworthy and resilient people. They are very aware of their surroundings, keeping an eye out in order to make the world a safer place. Sixes live their lives with integrity and high ethical standards. Sixes are very loyal and will remain devoted long after others have moved on.  

While all spiritual doctrine is essential for Sixes, many find comfort in meditating upon the doctrine of eternal security. This doctrine is based on the fact that God is faithful. Because of Christ’s work on the cross, believers trust in Christ’s faithfulness. Instead of seeking security through our own efforts, we are given assurance of God’s faithfulness and stability.


Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: John 10: 27-29, 1 Peter 5:6-7, 1 John 4:18.

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Style 7: The Enthusiast

As Enthusiasts, Sevens work constantly to find enjoyment in every sphere of life. They are constantly looking for stimulating ideas and dreaming of exciting possibilities in order to find the best that life has to offer. Because they love people, Sevens can be very magnetic and spontaneous. You can trust them to get a party started.


Spiritually unhealthy and average Sevens tend to embody what Dietrich Bonhoeffer calls “cheap grace.” He explains in his book, The Cost of Discipleship: “Cheap grace is grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ, living and incarnate.” However, Sevens grow healthier when they believe in “costly grace.” He states: “Costly grace is grace because God did not reckon his Son too dear a price to pay for our life, but delivered him up for us. Costly grace is the Incarnation of God."


Therefore, while all spiritual doctrine is essential for Sevens, many find comfort in spending time daily meditating upon the doctrine of “Christus Exemplar.”This states that because of Christ’s work on the cross and at the tomb, believers are granted new, abundant life in Him. We follow his example, imitating his death, burial, and resurrection by dying to our old selves and becoming new in Him. We find our joy in Him, and not in our situations.

Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: Philippians 3:8-11 and 1 Peter 2:19-21.

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Style 8: The Challenging Protector

As Challenging Protectors, Eights want to protect themselves and others from the injustices of the world. They empower others and protect the innocent. They do this by being resourceful, pragmatic, determined and action-oriented. Eights are direct, assertive and strong, which is evident in the way they relate to others. Eights will move forward with self-assuredness and with the determination to make things happen.


While all doctrine is essential for Eights, many find comfort in meditating upon the doctrine of “Christus Victor.” It is based on the fact that God is powerful and that Christ’s work is victorious over the evil forces in the world. Because of His victorious work, we are transferred from the reign of evil to His reign and given His power to bear the fruit of good works.


Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: Colossians 1:11-14, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 and Micah 6:8.

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Style 9: The Peacemaker

As Peacemakers, Nines work to resolve conflict and bring balance to their environment. Nines bring calmness to situations and will work to help others feel welcome, accepted and at ease. Nines are non-judgemental, empathetic and easygoing.


While all doctrine is essential for Nines, many find comfort in meditating upon the doctrine of “Reconciliation.” This doctrine is based on the fact that Christ’s work moves believers from being alienated from God to being unified with God. Because of this, we are at peace with God and called to help reconcile others to God.


Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: Romans 5:1, Ephesians 2:13-16 and 4:15.

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