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Style 8

The Challenger

How the Gospel Applies to You

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Summary of Style Eight

As Challenging Protectors, Eights want to protect themselves and others from the injustices of the world. They empower others and protect the innocent. They do this by being resourceful, pragmatic, determined and action-oriented. Eights are direct, assertive and strong, which is evident in the way they relate to others. Eights will move forward with self-assuredness and with the determination to make things happen.


Eights are honorable, loyal and will fulfill their commitments when they have given you their word. They have strength, stamina and tend to be a “take charge” kind of people. Because they are honest and direct in their communication, others may be intimidated by their presence.


Others tend to follow the leadership of Eights because of their strong presence, persuasiveness and protective nature. Eights base their relationships on trust and commitment. They build and maintain lifelong friendships. When their compassion is coupled with their boldness, they can be fearless and inspirational, causing great change in the world.


Motivation & False Belief

God is calling you to live not for your strength but

from Christ's strength.

Eights are motivated by the desire for power and control. They want to protect themselves and others as they are very aware of real or perceived injustice. This motivation is driven by their fear of being weak, vulnerable, powerless and controlled.


While they greatly desire protection, they have developed a false belief that they must remain strong and in control.

The Gospel Applied to You

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While all doctrine is essential for Eights, many find comfort in meditating upon the doctrine of “Christus Victor.” It is based on the fact that God is powerful and that Christ’s work is victorious over the evil forces in the world. Because of His victorious work, we are transferred from the reign of evil to His reign and given His power to bear fruit of good works.


Helpful scriptures to meditate on and memorize: Colossians 1:11-14, 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 and Micah 6:8.


You might find it helpful to practice the following “self-talk” to remind yourself of the implications of the gospel in your life:

  • Only God is powerful and we have protection in Him.

  • I am sinful. I am not to take control and use my power to rule others.

  • Jesus has taken the punishment for all of my guilt and offers me daily forgiveness.

  • Because of Jesus, I am fully forgiven every day.

  • I do not have to try to protect myself or dominate and control anyone else.

  • I am free to live, love and forgive by the grace of God.

  • I can open myself up to being vulnerable without fear because God is on the throne. In His transforming power, the fruit of gentleness, love and self-control will be evident.

Next Steps

The Gospel Enneagram is a ministry program of People Launching.

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